Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hometown Fair approaching

So it is time to start preparing for our favorite running race in the Southbay- the Manhattan Beach 10k. The day is October 4th you can find info on the race at We have to sign up before race day so make sure you plan accordiningly.

This race is part of the hometown fair, a glorified art fair w/ fried dough, corn on the cob, etc. But the good part of the fair is that it does have a beer garden! (caveat- every year we say we're going to go hoist a few, but every year I'm too pooped to do it.)

Logistics-wise, we can accomodate a couple of people parking at my house, and then ride the cruisers/tandem bicycles over from there. Post-race, I would like to invite everyone to brunch at our house, which will consist of eggs, facon, soysauge, french toast, and homemade (or purchased) apple fritters.

Also, this is an important race as it is getting many of us ready for the Santa Barbara half-marathon in November. I would like to keep my detailed race notes at the website below, and I encourage you all to contribute any running/racing stories or comments to it.

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