Look what a wealth of knowledge I am these days, huh?

Being that this was our second time doing it, Tom and I had our routine down and it was relatively stress-free. The big revelation for us was when we sampled a glass of each batch (we call each separate container it's own batch.) Now, the first time we did this and sampled the wine, it was cause for concern. the juice was cloudy, it had a slight smell of sulfur, and there was still a lot of fermenting still to take place. We were worried that the whole batch might be bad.
This time was way different. And waaay better. Each batch of wine tasted better than the one before it. Even our one-gallon jug of wine, which would be used to top off the big carboys; tasted sweet and reminded me off blackberries.
We also started to nail down the name of the wine, and what the label is going to look like. But I'll keep that one a surprise for now...