I was sitting in the sauna, reading the paper; when a guy walked in who clearly wanted to chat. So by and by we get talking, and it's a nice chat about the economy, what he does, etc etc. But it's getting kind of hot and I'm cooked enough to want to get out, so I say "alright, I'm out. What was your name?" And as he is replying "Darren" he leans over like he's going to shake my hand as I was getting up. As I got up, somehow my towel got caught on a nail or something in the wood, and it basically tore, and fell off. And so I'm standing there shaking Darren's hand with my d(*^%%$ and b$@$((s fully exposed. Not fun or comfortable for either of us.
To make matters worse, I shower off, then go to the rack to get my OTHER towel, only to find that someone had taken it! The locker room is set up so the towels are on the other side of the locker room from the showers, so I basically have to walk out in nothing but my shower shoes when I see a non-english speaking janitor in the locker room. So I ask him politely to grab me a towel, but due to his lack of understanding it turns into a :30 scene of me naked yelling at him to hand me a towel. It got everyone's attention.
Then to finish it off, I got to the car and realized the whole time I had two different shower shoes on. See picture attached: