Andy flew into town on Thursday night, and stayed at his cousin Tom's. Lisa and I both took Friday off from work to pick up our costumes and take a nice leisurely drive up to SB. Friday night the 10 of us got together and had dinner and a few bottles of wine, but clearly we were all trying to prepare for the race the next day.
Race day was overcast and raining when we woke up-not the best conditions for running, but miraculously the rain stopped the minute we walked out of the hotel to go to the race, and we didn't feel another drop the whole time. Our first good sign of an epic weekend? Perhaps.
The race went great. I ran with Andy, while Lisa and Julie ran together. Tom ran with his sister Colleen, his friend who flew in town on short notice to run the race, and we passed by Kelly (recruiter at Matura Farrington) and her friend Alex who was running the race as a training run for a marathon they were doing soon. Andy and were running in Superman capes, mine one from an old Halloween costume, his handmade. We got a lot of good comments on the capes, and actually made it into the local paper. (Article will be included)
The real fun came after the race was over. We immediately went home and showered, and the limo was waiting for us by the time we got there to whisk us away to the wineries. We hit three of them, and even with the suspect weather had a great time. Then-quick- head back and eat pizza before donning our costumes in time to be the first group to walk into Sharkeez. Unfortunately the night was a bit of a blur, but here's what was worth remembering:
- Our entire group being the only ones on the dance floor at Sharkeez
- Andy getting carded a second time after we were inside, and taking serious offense to this when he did. All while wearing a heart costume with girl shorts on underneath, and a fake uni brow and mustache.
- Me completely sweating through my Easter Bunny costume.
- Holding the money for Andy and I in the pocket of my shorts, underneath the bunny get up. When we went to get tacos late at night, picture the scene of Andy (in his heart costume) unzipping and feeling around for my wallet while I'm leaned up against the counter of the taco stand. The lady ringing us up mentioned to us several times that we could sit down to eat, for some reason we insisted on eating our tacos standing up at the counter while everyone else ordered then sat down.